






Creating your first Database

Before even uploading your data, it is important to create your database by defining clearly the name and the type of ids you will be using down the road to refer to your users and your items.

You can create a database more simply withing the dashboard, or directly by calling our API.


Name your Database

The first step in this process would be for you to name your database, and ideally to enter a description about it.

Define your "Item Ids" type

Items are the entities you want to recommend to your users, such as movies or books.

You need to configure the type of your item ID type when creating a new database. This choice is permanent and cannot be modified later for this database.

Define your "User Ids" type

Users are the people you want to recommend your items to.

Simirlarly to the items, you need to configure the type of your users’ ID type when creating a new database. This choice is permanent and cannot be modified later for this database.


You can also create a database by simply calling the following endpoint and entering the following information:

  • Name
  • description
  • item_id_type
  • user_id_type

Get started with Crossing Minds recommendation API

Crossing Minds Recommendation API is the easiest way to integrate personalized recommendation to your website & mobile apps

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